Your body, as well as your baby’s, is highly sensitive during pregnancy and requires extra attention. Your immunity is compromised, and you’re more likely to catch mild ailments like the flu or stomach infections. We aspire to make your birth as comfortable and healthy as possible by providing you with exceptional prenatal care at Kalpit Hospital.
Why are consultations and prenatal visits important?
It’s imperative to keep regular consultations with the gynaecologist at Kalpit Hospital throughout your pregnancy to guarantee your and your baby’s health.
You can track your baby’s development by visiting Kalpit Hospital, the multi-speciality hospital in the heart of Khalilabad, Uttar Pradesh, regularly. Prenatal appointments also allow you and your family to discuss any questions or concerns you may have about your pregnancy, birth, or parenthood with your gynaecologist. At each visit, we invite your partner as well as any interested family members.
The initial session includes a complete physical examination. Your blood pressure, heart, lungs, and breasts are all tested, as is your weight. A pelvic exam is also included on the first visit. A Pap smear is collected during the pelvic exam to check for cervical cancer, and cultures are done to check for sexually transmitted illnesses (such as gonorrhoea and chlamydia). A bimanual internal exam will also be performed to measure the size of the uterus and pelvis (two fingers within the vagina and one hand on the abdomen). This exam will also look for any uterine, ovarian, or fallopian tube abnormalities.
Measures taken for better health of mother & child
Even small amounts of smoking, vaping, drinking, and/or taking illegal drugs can be harmful to the foetus’ health. Many of these health issues cause a youngster to have trouble for the rest of his or her life. You should also consult with Kalpit Hospital’s gynaecologist before taking any over-the-counter medications. Many of these chemicals can enter the baby’s system through breast milk; thus, women should avoid them during their pregnancies and after birth. You can help your developing baby get all the nutrients it needs to grow and develop correctly by eating a nutritious diet. In addition, pregnant women must maintain a healthy level of physical exercise. Inquire with your gynaecologist about the level of activity that is safe for you to engage in while pregnant. You may also help guarantee that your pregnancy is healthy by avoiding substances that are harmful to the growing foetus. These are some of the substances:
• Medicines that may have an impact on a baby’s development and growth
• Supplements containing herbs or high amounts of vitamins
• Pesticides, cleaning agents, and certain types of paint are examples of chemicals.
Having a Conversation with Your Gynecologist
It’s not always easy to talk to your gynaecologists when your body is going through physical changes that are unfamiliar to you. Perhaps you’re wondering if you’ll be able to have sex, what to do about haemorrhoids or constipation, or whether you should be concerned about the delivery. You may be ashamed to ask these or other questions, but you must do so and keep in mind that gynaecologists have likely heard them all before. Make a list of your questions to bring with you to each appointment.
Also, if you have any of the following symptoms, call your doctor right away:
• in a single hour, over three contractions
• severe bleeding
• a quick loss of fluid
• a visible lack of activity by the baby
Gynecologists will perform a physical examination, run lab tests, and assess the health of the growing baby during these sessions. They will also suggest to you what you should do or not, along with what is helpful for you and what is not.
Visit our website to schedule an appointment with the top gynaecologists at Kalpit Hospital, a multispecialty hospital in the heart of Khalilabad, Uttar Pradesh.