One of the most well-known signs of epilepsy, a neurological condition that affects millions of people worldwide, is seizures. It can be terrifying and upsetting to watch someone go through a seizure, especially if you don’t know how to help them properly. However, knowing what to do in the event of a seizure can help to ensure the person’s safety and well-being. Kalpit Hospital, the multispeciality hospital in Khalilabad, offers advice on what to do during a seizure. In this blog, we will learn about these crucial pieces of advice for helping during a seizure.
Stay Calm
Remaining composed is one of the most important things to remember while someone is suffering a seizure. While it’s normal to feel scared, keeping your cool will allow you to help the person more successfully. Giving in to panic can make things worse and make it more difficult for you to assist.
Keep the Person Safe
The person may become disoriented and lose control of their body during a seizure. At that moment, your main objective should be to protect them from harm. Remove any hazards or sharp items from the area that could hurt someone. If the person is near an unsafe area, like a busy road or swimming pool, try to gently escort them to a more secure spot.
Protect Their Head
Seizures frequently result in head injuries because the person may fall suddenly and strike their head on the floor or other surrounding objects. Cushion their head using a soft item, like a pillow or folded jacket, to stop this. Avoid attempting to keep them down or restrict their movements, as this could cause harm.
Record the seizure’s Time
It is critical to record how long the seizure lasts. Seizures typically last anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes. It’s time to seek emergency medical attention if the seizure lasts longer than five minutes (or as long as the person’s medical history dictates), or if many seizures follow without the person regaining consciousness in between.
Turn the Person onto Their Side
Once the person’s head is secure, turn them gently onto their side. If they throw up during the seizure or saliva builds up in their mouth, this position helps keep them from choking. Bend their upper leg so that it rests on the ground, then tilt their head slightly backward to maintain an open airway, to put them in the recovery position.
Stay with them
Throughout the seizure, stay at the person’s side and offer comfort. Let them know you’re there and that everything will be alright by speaking quietly and calmly. You don’t want to hurt them by holding them down or putting things in their mouths.
Observe and Note Details
Even if giving help right away is crucial, make an effort to observe the person. Keep an eye on the duration, motions, and any additional symptoms that could aid in an appropriate assessment of the condition by medical professionals.
Provide Help Following the Seizures
The person may experience fatigue, confusion, or disorientation after the seizure has ended. As needed, provide them with support and help. Remain with them until they feel stable and have fully recovered awareness. Offer to go with them to the hospital if they need medical attention, or call for help if you need it.
Know When to Seek Medical Help
Seizures can sometimes indicate a more serious medical issue or call for quick attention. Seeking medical attention right away is essential if this is the person’s first seizure encounter, if they are pregnant, if they are hurt during the seizure, or if the seizure lasts longer than usual.
Offer Emotional Support
People with epilepsy and those who care for them may find it emotionally taxing to live with the condition or to experience seizures. Assist them in managing the disease by providing them with your continued understanding and support. Remind them to get expert assistance when necessary, and offer consolation when things get rough.
Knowing how to help someone having a seizure can significantly improve their safety and well-being. You may help the person negotiate this difficult situation by remaining cool, keeping them secure, and providing support and comfort. Remember to educate yourself on epilepsy and seizures; knowledge and understanding are essential for giving appropriate care.
Kalpit Hospital, the leading multispeciality hospital in Khalilabad, takes care of all neurological conditions, including seizures. Our world-class neurological department has the best facility and experienced staff. If you require medical assistance for a seizure, come to us. We can help you in the best way.